Andy Woods: May 7, 2018

The “Evangelicals” and the Anti-Trump Meeting: Part 2. Exposing Jim Wallis. Welcome to "pastors' point of view” from Sugar Land Bible Church. Today’s topic: we will continue to discuss the invitation only meeting that happened a couple of weeks ago at Wheaton College that was designed to divorce evangelical Christianity from its alignment from conservative politics in general and President Donald Trump in particular. One of those in attendance was a man named Jim Wallis, who is the director of Sojourners Ministries and is a long-standing and committed Marxist. Wallis’ involvement in the meeting speaks volumes concerning which direction this group thinks the church should go in. As we place the search light of truth upon Wallis, we will see how this group is using the issues of race and poverty for the ultimate agenda of pushing the church in the direction of Liberation Theology.

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