Ask Dr. John #12

Originally Aired: OCTOBER 13, 2015

Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of ask Dr. John. Question: How old was Paul when he was converted? How old was he when he died? Question: Why is Barnabas called an apostle in Acts 14:14? From Acts 13:2-3, his office seems to be equivalent with Paul’s, yet we do not seem to recognize him as such. Question: How did Jacob wrestle with God? Why was he harmed physically during this encounter? Question: What does it mean that John the Baptist was less than the “least in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 11:11)?
 Does the believer have one nature or two natures? Question: When Jesus returned to heaven was He once again able to utilize all of His divine attributes? Question: When Enoch and Elijah were taken up into heaven, were they given their glorified bodies, or will they be given glorified bodies at the rapture—or when the Old Testament saints are resurrected?Question: When did Satan’s first rebellion occur?
 Question: God has allowed me to live with severe illness, but does not take me to heaven. Why doesn’t He want me?
Topic: We take your calls.

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