Brannon Howse: Aired May 14, 2014

Part Two: Pragmatism, Politics, Pride, Profit and False Prophets: How some of the leaders of the religious right were compromising the gospel years ago that may have set the example for today’s New Religious Right leaders and their ecumenicalism. Today Brannon uses mainstream and national news outlets going back many years to document the relationship between Jerry Falwell, Liberty University, and cult leader Rev. Moon. reported that one Falwell’s close executives left working for Falwell to work for Rev. Moon and his organizations only to return to Liberty University where he works today. This is the same individual that was on a program with false teacher Benny Hinn just a few weeks ago. Brannon reports on new information he has not reported on before that will help you understand what he believes is vital history to know if you want to understand today’s religious Trojan horse that is leading to the creation of the Harlot Church. Brannon also plays a portion of a 1978 sermon by his friend and mentor, the late Dr. Ron Carlson, on the worldview of Rev Moon.

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