Brannon Howse: April 1, 2019

A Biblical Response to Unlawful Government (Part 4) Do Christians have a right to take part in the reorganizing, abolishment, or establishment of civil government? Sadly, many pastors in America are twisting Romans 13 and teaching their congregations to roll over and not resist an overthrow of our form of government by revolutionaries such as the Islamists and Marxists. Today we learn that America’s form of government is that of a representative government which means we can and must practice the principle of agency. Just as you can fire an attorney that works for you as your agent or representative, so can Americans fire the agents that work for them as civil magistrates. In addition, if those agents have altered our governments away from their founding principles, then the people can reorder, alter, abolish, and re-establish the government as called for in the Declaration of Independence. Topic: The people and states created the federal government and maintain the power as described in the 9th and 10th Amendments. Topic: When pastors declare that Christians are not to disobey the government, do they not realize that we are a nation of many governments that include local, county, state and federal? What if these governments contradict and oppose each other? Which government do you obey at such a point? The answer is simple and Brannon explains why. Topic: We take your calls.

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