Brannon Howse: April 16, 2020

Guest: Former CIA Operations Officer Clare Lopez. Topic: Before he interviewed Clare, Brannon plays an audio clip of John Piper on Family Life Today with Bob Lepin. Listen as Piper describes how he is afraid that he may not be a Christian that he might be fake and that all that he has done has been a farce. His works based neo-Calvinism gospel gives him no assurance of salvation because it is all based on works. Poor Piper does not understand the preservation of the saints or the difference between justification and sanctification and glorification. It was Piper himself that declared a few years ago that for final salvation one must slay sin and pursue holiness. This is 100% works. If Piper is living in such fear and hopelessness, then what do you think he has done to the average person he has brainwashed into his false gospel, socialism and extreme Calvinism for the past 40 plus years? The Apostle Paul warned us of such a gospel and of such men. Topic: Coronavirus has revealed neo-evangelicals, neo-Calvinists, hyper-Calvinists & most leaders of evangelicalism are empty suits & foolish men, as described in the Bible. They mocked for years those who warned of what is happening now & where we are going. They have no understanding on many levels of what is happening today and what is yet to unfold. Avoid them per Romans 16:17. Many of them have called names of those who are involved in Christian activism & involved in warning of what is now here. Yet they put social justice warriors on their church platform and tell the world how important these social justice warriors are to the kingdom of God. NO! Their friends that they praise and recommend to us are in fact building the kingdom of Antichrist and the globalist system that will rob you of your freedoms, business, and income. Wake up Christians! The wolves have been deceiving you and fleecing you spiritually and financially. Most of all, they are preaching a false gospel, and a works gospel. Topic: Clare joins us to discuss what we were discussing in January which was the likelihood that the Coronavirus came from the level four bio lab in Wuhan, China. Fox News and other outlets were reporting such as a conspiracy and yet now the mainstream media is now wanting to talk about this possibility. Topic: Clare gives a list of the various types of warfare that China has launched on America in the new way of warfare. Topic: We take your calls.

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