Brannon Howse: April 2, 2020

Guest: Captain Udell Meyers (USMC) Topic: Brannon begins the program by reminding the audience to not be distracted by the Coronavirus to the point you neglect other trends and events that are speeding towards us. While the herd is only watching the Coronavirus, those that understand the world are noticing a perfect storm of events that seem to be unrelated but that are in fact very much connected. There are many dots to connect. America’s banks were having liquidity problems before the Coronavirus. Banks are holding trillions in junk investments known as derivatives. America is over 100 trillion in debt when you add unfunded liabilites like social security. On a global scale, North Korea is shooting off projectiles. China is in central America. Iran continues to shoot missiles over into Iraq. Russia is trying to collapse our energy sector by depressing the price of oil. Russia and China in 2018 practiced for a nuclear strike on America in 2018 through Vostok 18. Iran, China, Russia, Cuba and Hezbollah are all in Venezuela. In 2018 Russia landed two nuclear bombers in Venezuela that fly faster than the speed of sound. Russia and China in the summer of 2018 hacked into America’s power grid as admitted by our own government. Russia, India, China, & South Africa have all united in a banking system to try to take down the American petrodollar. Iran Russia and China have loaded up their central banks the last several years with massive amounts of gold. The international monetary fund is holding a couple thousand metric tons in gold. Russia has built massive nuclear fallout shelters that you can openly read about on main stream news websites. And now President Trump has declared a war on the drug-lords that are all tied back through Venezuela where many of our enemies are right now assembled. Finally, the voices you can trust and that understand the world and events is shrinking. Sadly, many pastors are ill-informed or completely deceived. Well-known pastors have told Christians it is selfish to put away food for emergencies while they have stored away literally millions of dollars into their “ministry” bank accounts. Many of the so-called “elect” are in fact deceived and compromised. Topic: More than two years ago Captain Meyers warned us about the commission set up by President Obama and U.S. Senator John McCain to draft America’s daughters. Well the report is now out and Captain Meyers joins us to share his thoughts on what is in the report, how it will harm families, the military and how Americans should respond. Topic: We take your calls.

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