Brannon Howse: April 22, 2020

Bill Gates, Rockefellers, UN Agenda 2030 & Eugenics Masquerading as Science & Population Control. (Part 3). Topic: Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. What is the Marxist agenda behind Earth Day? How does Earth Day fit with the agenda of Agenda 21 to which President George H. Bush committed America? Topic: Brannon explains how the events unfolding today are setting the stage for the power elite that will culminate in ten world leaders giving their power and influence to a a one-world leader. Topic: How are Christians being set up as the global enemy through this Marxist environmentalist movement? Topic: The Club of Rome wrote a Planetary Emergency Plan and released it in September of 2019. They declared that their report was for the “super year” of 2020. What did they mean by “super year”? They also claimed that 2020 would be twelve critical months for people and nature. The next month in October of 2019, Event 201 was held that practiced for a pandemic. The event was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins, and The World Economic Forum.

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