Brannon Howse: April 23, 2018

Topic: California bill could make it illegal to sell the Bible in California as well as allow for the suing of conservative or Christian broadcasters that offend transgender or homosexuals that hear their broadcasts. Topic: WVW Broadcast Network radio host Dr. Peter Pry was on Fox News for an hour on Sunday night with host Mark Levin. Hear a portion of that interview on the EMP threat to America. Topic: David Platt declared that a sign of racism in America was income inequality. However, there is no way to have equal incomes in America unless you steal from one to give to another. David Platt is clearly clueless about economics 101. Brannon explains how the $15 an hour laws coming to Seattle and to New York will mean the elimination of entry level jobs for the “poor.” Business owners are declaring such laws will either put them out of business or require them to automate. Socialism does not work and mandatory minimum wage laws actually hurt the poor but professional race-baiters and social justice warriors like Platt want to speak from their ignorance and to drag their Neo-Marxism into churches. Topic: We take your calls.

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