Brannon Howse: April 25, 2017

Guest: Dr. Peter Pry & Tamara Scott. Topic: On Wednesday April 26, 2017, President Trump will host all 100 U.S. Senators at the White House for a security briefing on North Korea. This is an unprecedented event. Dr. Pry will explain what Trump might be about to tell these U.S. Senators. Topic: Dr. Pry again warns the American people of just how real a nuclear or EMP threat from North Korea is for America. Topic: Our First guest is Tamara Scott. Tamara joins us to discuss the on-going push by conservatives like Mark Levin as well as globalist George Soros for a Convention of the States. Tamara has been working in Iowa to make sure the legislature does not become one of the states that calls for such a Constitutional Convention also known as a Convention of the States. Tamara will tell us how few states need to vote in favor of a con-con for this to occur. Topic: We take your calls. 

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