Brannon Howse: April 3, 2018

Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Ask Dr. Woods. Episode #2. Question: Do the souls of aborted babies go to heaven? Question: Is God finished with the nation of Israel based upon Matthew 21:43? Question: JW's enjoy knowing that there is no fiery Hell. We just die and go to the common Grave, which they define as Sheol. They use Ecclesiastes 9:10 to support their position. My concern is that the passage doesn't go on to explain that our spiritual life continues and that we must go through the Great White Throne of Judgement. What is your interpretation of Eccl. 9:10? Question: Are there are two revealings of the Antichrist: one before the Rapture, to the Church (2 Thess. 2:1-4), and the second after the Rapture, to those who are left behind (2 Thess. 2:5-8)? Question: Does Scripture reveal the role of the Holy Spirit in the Millennium and the Eternal State?  Will we be indwell by the Holy Spirit in our glorified body?  He seals us until the day of redemption, but then what will happen with His role after that day? Question: Will the 3rd heaven, where God and our Lord currently inhabit, be destroyed to usher in the eternal state?  Does the new heaven(s) and new earth replace our world/universe only or does it also include the 3rd heaven?  If so, how would the new Jerusalem descend from “heaven”?  Would this be a entirely new heaven? Question: I recently heard an interesting interpretation of Peter's Faith when he walked on water... it wasn't interpreted as his 'little faith' that caused him to sink, rather his 'little faith' that allowed him to step out of a perfectly good boat in the middle of the sea in the middle of a storm and actually believe he could walk on water... i.e. that with just the smallest amount of faith look at what Peter did... imagine if one has medium faith, or great faith, what could be accomplished.  What are your thoughts on this?


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