Brannon Howse: August 17, 2017

Guest: Dr. Andy Woods & Usama Dakdok. Today CNN listed Egyptian & Islamic expert Usama Dakdok as a hater and he will respond. Topic: A “minister” this past week declared that Islam is NOT a spiritual threat to the church (christians). Dr. Woods destroys this naive, unbiblical, and dangerous teaching. Topic: We have proven we understand the times, the trends, the tactics of the Marxists and Muslims, the consequences, and how "evangelicals" would be used as ‘useful puppets’ for their agenda. Are you ready to listen, or will you wait until there is no turning back? Are you going to listen or let your silence and support of such things lead to the open persecution of Christians and conservatives? Perhaps you think you will not be included in this persecution, but trust me, you will. Their goal is to start with a few Christians and conservatives in order to label even your quiet, unknown Christian grandmother a racist, bigot, and threat to the global community. History is repeating itself, but sadly, too many so-called Christians are too unstudied to see what is happening and who is giving it credibility. I believe many are defending men and things they should not through their excuses, silence, or double-speak. Apparently, such compromise is for political and personal expediency in order to remain in the group consensus that brings them affirmation, and in some cases, their income.

We have warned for years that the following would happen to Christians, and now it is. Pick your target (Biblical Christians). Vilify the target (Biblical Christians). Marginalize the target (Biblical Christians). Pass laws that encourage and legalize the persecution of the target (Biblical Christians).  Enforce the laws onto the target as the new norm (Biblical Christians). The persecution of Christians is being set up, and sadly, many on the so-called Evangelical Right are aiding in this process and the necessary narrative that will advance this five-step road to the persecution of Christians by labeling those who speak truth as having a "political gospel" or "political hatred" for speaking truth about Islam. The Evangelical Right are aiding Islam in building a spiritual & physical Trojan Horse in the U.S.A. by using their talking points and pejoratives. What they don't realize is that they are not only setting up those of us speaking truth about Islam but eventually they are also setting themselves up. These are the consequences for an Islamic puppet, but they are too ignorant to understand such truth.

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