Brannon Howse: August 25, 2015

What is the state of evangelicalism in America? Perhaps a quick look at those taking part in the upcoming Family Research Council conference August, 24-25, 2015 will give us an idea. Today Brannon reveals how ironic it is that FRC has a logo that reads: Watchmen on the Wall. Yet, Tony Perkins and the leadership at FRC seem to be completely incapable of being Biblical watchmen that guard Christians, the church, or evangelicals from false teachers or those promoting bad theology and ecumenicalism. How effective is a spiritually blind or undiscerning watchman? The FRC conference is going to be held at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas and yet this is the church that invited Neo-Marxist Jim Wallis to a church event a few years ago. In addition, as you will hear in an audio clip, the pastor of Prestonwood, Jack Graham recently had New Age, Catholic Roma Downey on his church platform. Yet, Graham is going to speak at the watchman on the wall event and it will be held at his church? How ironic is this? Also speaking at the FRC event will be Robert Jeffress that you will hear an audio clip of in this program as he declares Pope Benedict is a Christian. Jeffress has also praised a book by Bill O'Reilly even though the book is completely unbiblical and declares Jesus was killed over taxes among other major Biblical errors. Also speaking at the FRC event is James Robison. Hear the audio clip of Robison claiming New Age Mormon, Glenn Beck is a Christian. Hear the audio of Jim and Betty Robison talking to Catholic Priest Jonathan Morris as they call for Christians to spiritually unite with Catholics. Robison takes the words of Jesus in John 17 out of context as you will hear. Yet FRC thinks this man and the others discussed in this program should be used to train or equip pastors? In fact, the FRC slogan for this watchman on the wall event is: Championing Pastors to Transform America. Where in the Bible are pastors called to transform a nation through politics or the culture war? Yet FRC will have a candidate training session at this upcoming event. Why not have someone train the pastors in Biblical evangelism since many pastors today do not even seem to know what is the Biblical gospel. Why not a speaker that will expose the fast growing error of the Word of Faith Movement or the false gospel of the Church of Rome? Why not use the gospel and Biblical truth to transform hearts and minds and then maybe a nation? Why does FRC and other such pro-family groups not work to transform evangelicalism by defending Biblical truth, exposing false teachers, false doctrine and proclaiming a Biblical gospel? The answer to these questions is very important and perhaps very revealing. Another listed speaker for the FRC event is Word of Faith preacher Robert Morris that has had New Age, Mormon Glenn Beck speak at his church. Another speaker is Ronnie Floyd that has promoted the book of Word of Faith teacher Robert Morris to his church as you will hear in an audio clip. Floyd is the pastor of a church that reportedly has a child baptismal that looks like a fire truck and fire station. Are these the men that should be training pastors and that are going to transform America? What would Jesus say to these men? Are any of these men under spiritual conviction for their bad theology or spiritual enterprises with false teachers? If they are not being convicted what does that say about their spiritual condition? Why does the Word of God warn against being lukewarm? What does that mean and how is this verse in Revelation connected to Matthew 7 and the false teachers being cast into hell? Who did Jesus warn about during his earthly ministry, false teachers, the religious liberals, the religious zealots, the religious legalist, or elected officials or the unsaved world? Jesus warned against the false teachers. Yet, is FRC warning about what Jesus warned about or working with such people? How can you claim to be a watchman on the wall if you are spiritually blind or undiscerning, or compromised Biblically as evident by your spiritual enterprises? If you want to understand the big picture when it comes to the state of evangelicalism then you must listen to this program.

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