Brannon Howse: August 28, 2017

Topic: Hear the audio of a former KGB officer as he describes why the Marxist revolutionaries attack the police and work to turn Americans against those entrusted to protect us and keep a stable and just society. Topic: A Fox News reporter on his own time goes to Berkeley to see the protesters dressed in all black. This reporter describes what happen when he took some pictures of the protestors. This man also explains the hatred of those saying they opposed hatred. Brannon reads the Facebook post of this reporter that proves that violent provocateurs have infiltrated these protests movements. Are these violent protestors being paid? What is the end game for these violent protestors and those that are perhaps encouraging them to act in this manner? Topic: United Nations experts put out a statement on August 23, 2017 concerning the violence in Charlottesville and racism and yet the UN never mentions the violence and racism of the Black Lives Matter protestors, or Islamic groups? What about the police officers that have been killed by such radicals? We should not expect the United Nations to condemn the Marxists and Muslims since the U.N. is made up of so many Muslim and Marxist nations. Topic: Why is it important for the Americans as well as Christians to understand the topics being discussed today? Topic: We take your calls.

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