Brannon Howse: August 8, 2016

Topic: Brannon believes that if Trump wins, the globalist bankers will deliberately damage the American economy to make it really tough on Trump. Brannon goes on a rabbit trail for a minute and explains why he believes schools must return to vocational training to solve our unemployment problem in America. Topic: Brannon reads from a 2010 article in the liberal Washington Post about how Hillary and Bill Clinton sat through and enjoyed watching a voodoo high priest carry out a ceremony. Then Brannon reads from the biography of Bill Clinton in which he describes watching demon possessed people in a frenzy, walk on coals and bite off the head of a chicken. Brannon then reads from a 1996 book by Bob Woodward in which he explains what sounds like Hillary Clinton taking part in a séance in the White House, reportedly talking to the late Eleanor Roosevelt. Brannon explains the connection between globalism, occultism, and the New Age Movement. Topic: Understanding the real problem with FBI director James Comey. Topic: Brannon explains why he believes, regardless of who wins the Presidential election, America will enter a very dangerous period. Topic: We take your calls. 

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