Brannon Howse: December 10, 2015

Topic: The evidence is overwhelming that Washington D.C. was very aware of the coming attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and allowed it to occur to justify the desire by FDR to enter World War II. Hear the overwhelming evidence concerning the truth about Pearl Harbor in this program and then ask yourself if history is repeating itself. Are the leaders of America refusing to tell the American people the truth about Islamic terrorist attacks and the national security threat facing our nation in order to benefit their own agenda? Are our leaders rejecting policies that would make America safe so that attacks will occur and can then be used to further the agenda of the elite? What might their agenda include? Topic: San Bernardino terrorist visited 11 school cafeterias through his health department job. Why does America permit Muslims to have access to secure areas like schools? Why is this a national security issue and not an attack on religious liberty? Topic: Richard Land and Russell Moore are at it again with their silly columns on Muslims in America and Brannon reveals why he believes their extreme ignorance reveals they may be part of the Romans 1:21 scenario. Topic: We take your calls.

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