Brannon Howse: December 13, 2016

Brannon received an e-mail from a young father that was raised in a Christian home, a Christian school, and attended an evangelical church. Yet, he said he had never been discipled or taught how to study the Bible so he could be a disciple. What does it mean to be a disciple? Today Brannon turns to Luke 14 where we see four hallmarks of a disciple. After hearing the four requirements that Jesus gave for being a disciple we will quickly see why so few churches teach what it really means to be a disciple. If indeed these so-called churches taught what it Biblically means to be a disciple, then most of their churches would empty out. Most so-called Christians today in North America are not interested in being a disciple if it requires the four hallmarks Jesus described. A Christian is a disciple and a disciple is a Christian. Thus, those that say they are a Christian but do not meet the hallmarks of a disciple are only false converts or tares among the wheat. Brannon concludes this program by sharing a story about a young man that reveals what it really looks like to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. 



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