Brannon Howse: December 16, 2016

Guest: Shahram Hadian & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: In this program you are going to hear the live breaking news as it unfolded on the air. One hour before going on the air Brannon had inquired about renting a hotel ballroom of a major hotel chain in Madison, Wisconsin. The hotel personnel informed him the ballroom was available for him to rent. Brannon agreed to the rental price, seating capacity and was told he would receive a contract via e-mail to sign. While on the air Brannon received an e-mail from the hotel stating that “upon review our team does not feel that this event is a good fit for our hotel and location.” Brannon discusses the double standard gets Christian bakers sued while liberals who do the same things face no push back from the courts. Topic: Shahram joins us to discuss why he believes the Muslims terrorists will attack America more aggressively during a Trump Administration. Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Israeli officials concerned about an EMP attack on Jewish State. Topic: Syria’s Assad wins in Aleppo - but leaves a humanitarian disaster. Topic: Israeli government believes Trump will keep his promise - move US Embassy to Jerusalem. Topic: Egyptian Christian Massacre took place on Mohammed's birthday. 

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