Brannon Howse: December 17, 2015

Topic: Why is Donald Trump out polling the Republican establishment candidates? Brannon explains that the American people have finally awakened from their stupor and now realize what he and others have been saying for years—that the Republicans and Democrats are really one party. The establishment is crushing the country and now the voters want a candidate that will crush the establishment and they believe Donald Trump will do that based on the hatred the establishment has for Trump. Topic: Have the Communists infiltrated the Republican Party? This is a serious question because so many of the policies of the Communist Party are now becoming reality through the Republican Party that controls the House and the Senate. Topic: Hear the lone voice of Senator Sessions describing how his own party has given Obama everything he wants and how it will destroy the country. Sessions says the country is in outright rebellion because of the shared agenda of Obama and the Republican Party. Topic: Republican Paul Ryan gives Obama everything he wants in the 1.1 trillion dollar Omnibus bill. Topic: The republicans are not only a threat to our economic future but our national security. Why is this happening? What worldviews and ideas are driving this fundamental transformation of America by the republicans and Obama? Topic: John McCain is now sounding like a conservative but that is because he is in a primary fight against a conservative woman in Arizona and she is beating him in the polls. Topic: We take your calls.

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