Brannon Howse: December 21, 2016

Topic: Study finds 1 in 6 Americans on psychiatric drugs, and many for anxiety and depression. The Bible declares that anxiety can bring depression. Topic: Hear the audio of an NBC report that reveals that one senior citizen was on so many prescription drugs he did not even recognize his wife. Once he was taken off these drugs he returned to normal and was enjoying life that included playing Scrabble. Topic: Hear the report from the CIA agent that interrogated Saddam Hussein. Sadly his report reveals that much of what the American people have been told to justify war has been a bald-faced lie. Brannon again warns of the military industrial complex and how politicians and the agencies they control are often used to further the objectives and agenda of big business and global agendas and not America’s national security or national interests as a people. Topic: Hear how George W. Bush responded to this CIA agent that is very telling and troubling. Topic: Broward County Sheriff Deputy is also head of the Florida Chapter of CAIR, a group with terrorism ties. Brannon uses this as another example of how he believes conservatives are setting up America when they teach an almost unquestioning worship of law enforcement personnel instead of teaching a respect for the rule of law that law enforcement represents and holds in public trust. Once America’s enemies have increased their infiltration of law enforcement, even conservative Americans will have been conditioned to not resist even though the enemy wearing a uniform and badge is not legally, Biblically, or constitutionally a law enforcement official carrying out the purpose of the law. Topic: We take your calls.

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