Brannon Howse: February 07, 2017

Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: What are the most strategic Christian ministries we can be involved in the last days of this church age? Question: The Bible describes the Genesis flood beginning at a certain year, month and day of Noah's life. Why does the Bible put such emphasis on chronology? Question: Did the flood really cover the entire Earth, including all mountains? Question: How did the animals come to Noah's ark? Did these animals include dinosaurs? Question: Why did all "clean" animals enter the ark by sevens instead of twos? Question: Why did God "remember" Noah 150 days after the flood began (Gen. 8:1)? Question: How should I respond to someone in my church who rejects the literal teachings of Genesis 1-11? Question: What are the latest developments in the areas of both creationism and Bible prophecy?

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