Brannon Howse: February 1, 2016

Topic: We expect politicians to act like politicians, but we should not expect evangelical leaders and pastors to act like they are so desperate for power, access, and popularity that they act like a carnival barker for a side show like the Yak woman. Topic: Does a successful political campaign equal a spiritual awakening or revival? I guess according to the candidate of David Barton and Glenn Beck it does. Hear the audio of Ted Cruz begging people to pray to God and keep the spiritual awakening and revival going. What is he talking about? Are we seeing any sign of Biblical repentance, pastors rejecting false teaching, and false teachers and true believers rejecting Christian happy talk and cotton candy Christianity and ecumenicalism? The answer is no! Cruz is not the only one saying troubling things. Jerry Falwell, Jr. says Donald Trump is revealing the fruit Jesus talked about in Matthew 7:16 because he creates jobs. So now doctrinal fruit is creating jobs? What a joke evangelicals are becoming while they confuse people as to what the gospel and mission of the church is. Topic: Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council admits to giving 2 Corinthians 3:17 to Trump to use in a speech. The verse declares that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Can someone please tell the very theologically ignorant Perkins, that likes to be involved in spiritual enterprises with false teachers, that 2 Corinthians 3:17 is not talking about political or economic liberty? Topic: Pastor Greg Laurie declares Marco Rubio a Christian because in the last presidential debate he said there was only one savior and it was not him but Jesus Christ. Laurie wanted to know when was the last time you heard a politician say something like this. Hey Laurie, have you forgotten about George W. Bush that said while running for president the first time that Jesus was the greatest philosopher of all time? Yet, hear the real worldview of George W. at the end of his presidency in which he declared Allah and the God of the Bible are the same. Note to Greg Laurie, politicians talk religion all the time, but most Christians are smart enough to see past it. So whether it is Cruz, Trump, or Rubio, the evangelical world is revealing their ignorance and lack of Biblical maturity. Topic: We take your calls. 

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