Brannon Howse: February 14, 2017

Topic: Over 100 Catholic theologians, bishops, priests, and other leaders from 20 countries are calling for Pope Francis to make a statement that affirms Mary as Co-Redemptrix with Jesus the Redeemer. Brannon explains why the Bible does not teach that Mary is the co-redeemer and how the worship or adoration of Mary plays right into the feministic gnosticism that began at the Tower of Babel. Brannon then explains how Hinduism and Catholicism have merged with such Catholic figures as Mother Teresa as well as through Catholic education. Gnostic feminists have called for rejecting a male savior in favor of a feminine deity such as Dame Wisdom or the Heavenly Eve. This brings us back to the 100 Catholics that are specifically calling for Mary to be recognized as a new Eve. How does the worship of Mary as a new Eve and the Heavenly Eve of gnosticism fit with the worship of the Queen of Heaven as Mary as called by the Church of Rome and that the Children of Israel worshipped in Jeremiah as they returned to the Babylonian religion? Topic: Brannon then reads from a column that praises Kundalini yoga as a way to tap into a feminine energy and serpent power. This is interesting since Gnostics teach that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was in-dwelt by Heavenly Eve that saved Adam by showing him the way to true enlightenment. Brannon connects the dots to reveal that the Catholic worship of Mary combined with New Age Hinduism and feministic gnosticism is leading to the worship of a false, feminine, deity such as Mother Earth or Gaia that will be foundational to a one-world religious system. 

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