Brannon Howse: February 15, 2016

Topic: While the late Justice Scalia, whom passed away over the weekend, can be praised for defending many conservative ideals and constitutional rights, so-called evangelicals are now in the press calling him a believer in Jesus. However, Scalia was a very committed Catholic. Why do evangelicals seem to always want to make someone that is popular a Christian? Could it be that evangelicals are trying to convince the world that they are cool and mainstream by calling popular people Christians when there is no such doctrinal evidence of that fact? Topic: Why has it become so popular today for husbands and wives to have his money and her money and his vacation and her vacation? Topic: Want some good news? TBN seems to be attacking an older audience according to social media stats and thus maybe TBN will collapse in the future when their current audience passes on. Topic: Why are so-called evangelicals so quick to start groups that separate Christians by race and ethnic group? If the true church is to be united around one faith and one Lord then why are evangelicals trying to divide into groups? Could the goal be not what is best for the church but building their own coalitions that they use for access, power, and money? Topic: We take your calls.

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