Brannon Howse: February 15, 2018

Topic: A common sense security response to the Florida school shooting that took 17 lives. Topic: School security will never be what it should be until the market demands it. Hear a news report about a 72 million dollar high school sports stadium in Texas. This is a national trend and the reason is because parents are voting with their feet and moving to communities that have such schools. When parents understand the necessity of sending their children to truly secure schools, then competition will drive the market as parents move to communities to send their children to schools that are offering the necessary and desired school security. Topic: Why after a few news cycles this story will disappear and market trends will continue as they are? What does this say about Americans? Topic: Liberals are now demanding mental evaluation for gun ownership. Brannon explains why this is a trap for conservatives. Topic: If the politicians want to talk about mental evaluation then let them hold congressional hearings on the number of school shootings carried about by people on psychotropic drugs. Hear the audio of psychiatrist Dr. Peter R. Breggin on the connection between psychotropic drugs, school shootings, and even parents killing their own children. Topics: Reports are that the Florida school shooter had been under psychiatric care. Was he on a psychotropic drug? Topic: Reports are that the school shooter confessed online to wanting to carry out a school shooting and did so even using his own name. When this was reported to the FBI they dropped the ball. See something, say something and authorities do nothing. Brannon talks about the growing trend of law enforcement and government officials dropping the ball even when they have been warned someone has made open threats or has traveled overseas to study and train with jihadis and then returned to America. Topic: Violent video games, movies, and a culture of death. Topic: We take your calls.

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