Brannon Howse: February 21, 2018

Part 2: Government Commission Looks at Mandating National Service & Drafting America’s Daughters. Guest: Captain Udell Meyers. Topic: In his 2009 book Grave Influence, Brannon wrote extensively about the GIVE Act and the attempt to mandate volunteerism. Now the topic is back as a newly created government commission who is studying the issue again. Topic: While Trump was President-Elect, President Obama signed a law that was pushed by John McCain. Then these two men, along with others, took part in appointing liberals to the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service that this legislation created. Among the liberals appointed was a transgender (man now woman) as well as the CEO of a liberal, community organizing organization. This commission apparently is looking to make a recommendation for mandated volunteerism so your kids become social justice warriors? They are also working on a mandated military draft for your daughters & granddaughters. Learn how the program is connected to the "Draft America's Daughters" amendment. Topic: Brannon’s first books in the early 1990s warned about Outcome-based education, school-to-work, and how certificates of mastery could be required for a young person to get a good paying job, driver’s license, or high school diploma. Brannon explains how these agendas are being all wrapped into mandated national youth service. Topic: Why does federal law prohibit young people from taking part in volunteerism while also working at their church or being on a church worship team? Is this an attempt to separate young people from their church while they go through government sponsored, social justice brainwashing? Topic: We take your calls.

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