Brannon Howse: February 22, 2016

Guest Mike Gendron: Topic: Why the South Carolina primary reveals what Brannon has said for a few years. The New Religious Right has little if any influence today. Brannon has also said and written that if you want to know which Presidential candidate will lose then look who the New Religious Right get behind. Brannon even wrote this in his book he completed in the fall of 2015, The Coming Religious Reich. South Caroline proves this point. James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and many other religious right leaders backed Ted Cruz in a state in which polls show that up to 73% of voters identity as evangelical. If there were ever a state in which the religious right leaders should be able to mobilize evangelicals it is South Carolina and yet the majority of evangelicals rejected the advice of the religious right but why? Brannon explains why he believes the religious right have all but lost any influence they once had outside of their own bubble. Topic: Mike Gendron was a Catholic for 37 years and he joins us as we play six audio clips from the Catholic funeral mass of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Hear the sermon by the son of Scalia who is a Catholic Priest. The audio clips will reveal the tragic theology of the Church of Rome. Topic: We take your calls.

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