Brannon Howse: February 23, 2016

Topic: David Barton & Glenn Beck were declaring a great spiritual awakening just this summer and now apparently this week based on the South Carolina primaries they are now discussing a revolution that Beck described as a possible violent revolution.  You have to hear these audio clips. Can these two simpletons make up their mind? Topic: So when Beck and Barton thought their candidate was going to win they saw revival and a spiritual awakening in the making but now that their candidate is dropping in the polls it appears revival is going to be replaced by a revolution? Topic: A former Word of Faith follower explains why she has rejected their theology. Topic: Brannon shares about an encounter he had with an unbeliever while eating out at a restaurant. This testimony will encourage you in how to effectively defend Biblical Christianity from the false Christianity that is such a turn off to unbelievers. Topic: We take your calls.

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