Brannon Howse: February 26, 2016

Topic: Former president of Mexico Vicente Fox comes unglued in a foul mouthed rant about the idea of a wall on the border of America and Mexico. Could it be that Fox and President George W. Bush, and the prime minister of Canada worked on a plan to merge our three countries? Hear the audio of Fox on Larry King admitting several years ago this was the case and he even admits the plan down the road is a currency. Topic: Hear the audio of Lou Dobbs exposing the North American Union as well as a U.S. Congressman. Topic: The SPP and the TPP will go a long way toward showing America up under Europe just as Senator Sessions of Alabama has predicted. How does this fit with Bible prophecy? Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Hezbullah is watching and waiting to attack Israel and could bomb a chemical facility killing thousands of Israelis. Topic: United States and Russia broker a Syrian ceasefire agreement set to start this weekend with little prospect of success. Topic: Iranians are electing the Parliament, an assembly of experts, setting the future for Iran. Topic: Israeli leaders debate, where does the history of Israel begin, Palestinians say that Israeli's occupy the Palestinian state. Topic: We take your calls.

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