Brannon Howse: February 6, 2017

Topic: When so-called pastors and evangelicals work for the socialist agenda under the banner of racial justice. Today Brannon reads from a progressive website that defined racial justice as “a proactive reinforcement of policies, practices, attitudes and actions that produce equitable power, access, opportunities, treatment, impacts and outcomes for all.” Brannon explains the only way to have equal outcomes is to implement socialism and even then not everyone is the same, as the ruling class will have all the power, money, and freedom. Brannon explains why he believes the so-called pastors and evangelicals that promote social justice, racial justice, white privilege, and other socialist schemes hiding under masking terms, are really rebellious people at heart. Brannon explains that these change agents are the very description of the types of rebellious people we are told to turn away from in 2 Timothy 3. They rebel against the authority of the Word of God and the ordained function and authority of government as described in the Word of God. Brannon explains that the radicals of the 60s were largely long hair, pot smoking, hippies. Yet today they are hipsters wearing skinny jeans and sitting on a stool posing as a pastor that is really a community organizer running a community organization they falsely call a church. Topic: Since the day after the election of Donald Trump Brannon has warned that America is entering the most dangerous time in our history as a nation. Finally, three months later, another conservative writer has publicly come out and declared the same. Brannon will read from her article. Topic: Narco-Terrorism on the U.S.-Mexico Border and why this must stop for government to fulfill the God ordained purpose of government. 

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