Brannon Howse: February 6, 2018

Exposing the Gulen Movement in America (Part 2) The founder of this movement is a Jihadi preaching Muslim from Turkey named Fethullah Gülen that now lives in the U.S. Topic: The goal of the Gulen interfaith dialogue institute. Topic: Gulen and his charter schools all over America. Topic: Why does the FBI allow such as Gulen, with his stated goals of infiltrating the west with Islam, to be in America and set up schools in America? Could it be because the FBI leadership has been compromised by Jihadis to the point that FBI Director Jim Comey gave an award to a Jihadi as did FBI Director Robert Mueller? Could it be because the FBI is too busy working with Muslims to go after Islamophobia; which means those that speak truth about Islam. Topic: We take your calls.

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