Brannon Howse: February 7, 2018

Part 1: The credibility of America’s judicial system is a risk, the fidelity of the rule of law, equal protection under the law, and the acceptance of tactics embraced by a police state. Tactics that would involve the normalization of character assassination of anyone that challenges the worldview of the deep state or shadow government. Make no mistake, if the highest ranking law enforcement officials within the FBI and U.S. Justice Department become so debased as to work in concert with political hacks, break the law, trample civil liberties, shred the Constitution, manufacture lies, and pay off media members to peddle their lies in their attempt to maintain power and destroy a Presidential candidate, and then President, then no one is safe. If such tyranny is allowed to stand, then not only is any candidate seeking the office of magistrate at risk of being targeted for destruction, but so is any conservative talk show host, pastor, columnist, or public policy leader who opposes the worldview of the shadow government. America has arrived at a moment of historic preparations in regards to this crisis and the criminal charges and prosecution that must now occur in order to maintain a free society. Today Brannon plays audio clips from former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova in which he was interviewed by Topic: At the highest levels of the FBI and Justice Department a plan was hatched to cover the crimes of Hillary Clinton so she could continue to run for President. Included in this plan was a plan to stop candidate Trump from being elected president by pushing a false Russian dossier as well as surveilling him and his campaign. Topic: Once Trump is elected, the surveilling continued in hopes of actually finding some shred of truth in the lie members of the FBI, Justice Department, and Clinton campaign had been pushing. Topic: According to reports, members of the media were being paid to push the lies and propaganda of the deep state in order to discredit Mr. Trump who became President Trump. Topic: In March of 2016 it came to the attention of the head of the NSA, Navy Admiral Mike Rogers that the highest levels of the FBI and Justice Department were involved in illegally monitoring Mr. Trump and then President Elect Trump. Mr. Rogers alerted the FISCA Court and then he alerted President elect Trump himself. Topic: We take your calls.

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