Brannon Howse: February 8, 2016

Topic: Hear the audio of the father of Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, speaking at the Ministers Conference of Word of Faith false teacher, Kenneth Copeland. Listen as Rafael speaks of how the wife of Ted Cruz got a word from God on his running for office. So the promotion of mysticism has now made it into the presidential race. At one time political candidates stayed far away from folks like Copeland, but now even presidential candidates and their campaigns, such as Cruz, embrace false teachers like Mike Bickle and Kenneth Copeland. What does this tell us and what does it say about what is to come? Topic: At one time you could judge a Southern Baptist church, an Evangelical Free Church, or a Word of Faith church by their name. You would know what their theology was just by the name of the church or their denomination. Yet today, many Southern Baptist Churches, Evangelical Free Churches and Word of Faith churches are actually teaching much of the same theology. Brannon gives specific examples that prove this point. What does this tell us about apostasy, the emerging one-world spirituality and the coming one-world religion? Topic: We take your calls.

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