Brannon Howse: January 13, 2017

Guest: Shahram Hadian and Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Shahram is a former Muslim now Christian pastor. Shahram joins us to explain the evidence that the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida shooter was indeed a convert to Islam. While the government and media plays down the evidence starring them in the face, Shahram is not. When the shooting was breaking news on the television Brannon explains how he turned to family and told them that it will turn out that the FBI will know who this is and will have had contact with him. Indeed that was the case and as Brannon has reported in the past year, this is now a common theme with almost all terrorist attacks in America but why? Shahram and Brannon will answer this question. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: The troubling connection between the CIA and terrorism. Topic: Israeli leaders and the people of the Jewish state anticipate very good Israeli-U.S. relations. Topic: Palestinians and Jordanian leaders say that the Trump move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem is a declaration of war. Topic: President Obama in his last days in office is advancing Yasser Arafat's agenda for the Middle East. Topic: Seventy leaders of the world will meet in Paris to dictate peace for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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