Brannon Howse: January 22, 2016

Topic: Al Mohler joins Marco Rubio advisory board according to numerous reports. This is the second troubling issue with Mohler in one week. Earlier this week it was his talk of common ground between pro-lifers and the communist/pro-homosexual, "Black Lives Matter" group. Now, Mohler is working with a troubling group that includes ecumenical proponent Rick Warren, communitarian Russell Moore, New Apostolic Reformation proponent Samuel Rodriquez, Manhattan Declaration proponent Eric Teetsel, and others. Brannon explains that it is fine for pastors and evangelical leaders like Mohler to want to see magistrates carry out the purpose of government, but why must they always get involved with politicians from a religious standpoint when the politicians are not Christians and theologically are apostate? Brannon explains why he believes many men like Mohler can sound good in the pulpit but cannot make their pulpit theology work in the real world. Note: please ignore the background noise the first 8 minutes of the program. Brannon has a new puppy lab named Delta that decided to take a book out of his library and chew it to pieces in the background. It took Brannon a few minutes of texting a family member, while also hosting the program, to come get her out of the studio. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Topic: The lifting of sanctions from Iran could make Iran the powerhouse in the Middle East. Topic: Thousands of Iraqis slaughtered by Islamic State confirm savage acts of Islamic Radicals. Topic: Palestinian official praises Hitler as daring, not morally corrupt for annihilating Jewish people. Topic: The Saudis are not ruling out a nuclear bomb in response to Iran. Topic: We take your calls.

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