Brannon Howse: January 22, 2020

(Part 2) The History, Goals, & Tactics of the Power Elite. Topic: In 1913 President Wilson warned of the Power Elite that controlled and dominated America to the point that we no longer have the freedom of opinion and are dominated by a small group of men. Topic: In his 1980 book, The Real War, Former President Richard Nixon warns of the Power Elite that pick what America debates, who is allowed to be seen on television and who is declared good and who is declared evil. Nixon warns that the group of Power Elite sets the course of America. Topic: Today Brannon warns that this long standing Power Elite are at war with freedom loving, patriotic and Constitution loving Americans who largely support the policies of President Donald Trump. The question is what will the Power Elite do to stop President Trump from being re-elected as he sets back their self-described New World Order? Topic: We take your calls.

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