Brannon Howse: January 25, 2018

The Rise of Russia (Part 4) In this episode, Brannon continues to document and explain the economic war being waged on America by Russia and China. Topic: In 1998 a Russian professor with a KGB background gave a speech in Austria and predicted an economic collapse in America and then the break up of America into various parts. Could this professor have knowledge of the strategy of Russia and China to collapse America through an economic war? Under a financial collapse, some states would fair better than others. Could the more politically and economically conservative states refuse to suffer from the socialist schemes, sanctuary cities, and scores of welfare receipts in such states as California, Illinois? Would the conservative and more economically sound states be better off if they separated from the socialist states? Even now citizens in the more conservative part of California are organizing a campaign to create a break away state of New California. Would such movements grow under an economic collapse in America? Topic: Are communist China and old communist KGB Putin seeking global dominance over the American and European globalists? Are we watching a battle for global control between the communists and the Fabian socialists? Topic: America dominates the International Monetary Fund. In an attempt to undermine America & many of the European countries, Putin helped to organize the BRICS banking system. This banking system consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Topic: In an attempt to undermine the World Bank that works closely with the IMF, China–with the support of Russia–organized the Asian Development Bank that could compete with the World Bank. Topic: How are China and Russia looking to eliminate the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency as well as eliminate it from a sizable portion of global trade? What would happen if U.S. dollars, now overseas, came rushing home to American shores and nations stopped purchasing our debt and holding U.S. dollars? Topic: Most Americans are enthusiastic about the U.S. financial condition with President Trump in the White House, a cut in taxes, increase in wages and a record breaking stock market. Yet most Americans are not aware of the real financial condition of America nor the financial war that is raging that America might just lose. Topic: How should Americans prepare for the dangerous financial troubles that are in our future? Topic: We take your calls.

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