Brannon Howse: January 26, 2016

Topic: Would you want your pastor to endorse a political candidate and campaign with them? Why and how do pastors lower their credibility, damage the gospel, and confuse the mission of the church when they get into a spiritual enterprise with politicians? Topic: David Jeremiah, James MacDonald, Kirk Cameron, and Casting Crowns take part in a Ben Carson political event that his campaign called a "prayer worship experience". Why would Jeremiah, MacDonald, and Cameron want to hold a spiritual event with a Seventh-Day Adventist, or any politicians for that matter? Do they now agree with the false religion of the Seventh-Day Adventist? Brannon explains the proper way for evangelicals to respond is simply to pick the political candidate they want to support and support them on the issues and stop mixing the calling of the church, worship services, and theology with politics. The mission and purpose of civil government is not the same as the mission of the church. Support whatever candidate you want but stop turing political campaigns into religious or spiritual causes. Evangelicals need to stop trying to make a political campaign a spiritual event. Topic: Ted Cruz is bragging that he has received the endorsement of Mike Bickle of IHOP. Brannon explains the super scary worldview of IHOP. Topic: Why the rise of Donald Trump? Phyllis Schlafly explains why and Brannon will read it to you. National Review says social justice evangelicals like Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention are to blame for the rise of Trump. Brannon says he believes that Trump is rising because Americans realize the two-party system is really one system…something he has said for years. Brannon also believes the American people are sick of the neo-conservatives that are funded by the globalists and military industrial complex that makes a fortune on war and nation building. Brannon also explains why he believes many of the American people look at who the super scary religious right nuts embrace and then run from those candidates. Seriously; do you want your national leaders listening to religious right zealots that want to take over every power-center and all governments so they can usher in their religious theocracy based on their twisted eschatology and theology? So whether you support Trump or do not support Trump, the reason for his rise is largely to blame on the rats nest in a wood pile that is made up of politicians, neo-cons, the pro-family industrial complex, and religious right zealots and liberal media. The American people are sick of all of these groups and their self-serving agendas that can be traced by following the money.

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