Brannon Howse: January 3, 2018

Exposing the Plans by Hamas to Destroy America (Part 1). In the 186 page report released the first week of 2018, Ilana Freedman uncovers the secret plans of Hamas to destroy America. Today Brannon brings you the highlights of this report that include lots of information not previously reported on this broadcast such as a five step plan by Hamas to sabotage America. This five step plan includes Hamas and its front groups obtaining weapons and “training on use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour.” What is zero-hour and how should Christians prepare for such an event? Topic: Why is it vital that Americans, and particularly Christians, know this information? Topic: Will the true church stand squarely across the path of Islam and its goal to murder Jews and Americans? Will well-known evangelical leaders be used as Islamic puppets and dupes? Will the church be compromised by evangelical pastors and professional pretenders who love this present world and their religious titles, clubs, and incomes more than they love the truth or the church? Will the professional religious pretenders that make up the religious industrial complex continue to mock and ridicule on social media those who point out their Good Ole’ Boy Club members that are involved in spiritual fornication with the enemies of God and America? The front groups for Hamas are counting on such compromisers and evangelical puppets to accomplish their goal. Topic: We take your calls. 

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