Brannon Howse: July 13, 2016

Topic: The Neo-Evangelical War on Doctrine. Guest: Pastor Gary Gilley. Topic: Andy Stanley has declared: :I am not trying to produce Bible scholars. And by the way, teaching through the entire Bible doesn’t create Bible scholars anyway. It creates people who think they are Bible scholars. And those are some of the meanest, most uncompassionate human beings on the planet.” Gary replies to this and other evangelicals that are critical of pastors that teach theology and doctrine. Why are they so hostile to Biblical truth? Why would a so-called pastor avoid teaching doctrine? Topic: Professor J. Gresham Machen in 1923 declared, “The growth of ignorance in the Church is the logical and inevitable result of the false notion that Christianity is a life and not also a doctrine…” Are many self-described Christians ignorant because they have not been taught doctrine and thus lack discernment? Topic: Mega-pastor Perry Noble was reportedly fired from the church he fired but why and why is Brannon not surprised when Noble was one of the guys mocking conservative Bible teachers and Christians? Topic: We take your calls. 

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