Brannon Howse: July 14, 2016

Note: This interview is not an endorsement of Pence or Trump. Brannon disagrees with Mike Pence on TPP and amnesty. This interview is for the purpose of passing on information and a personal report from a Pastor, and a good friend of Brannon, that has known Pence for several years. Brannon would have liked to have seen Trump pick Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama to as his VP. Better yet, Brannon wishes Sessions would have run for President. Topic: The rumor is that Donald Trump will pick the Governor of Indiana as his Vice-Presidential candidate. Steve Holley is on staff at Immanuel Bible Church where our broadcast partner Jesse Johnson is the teaching pastor. Pence attended Immanuel for 12 years while serving in the U.S. Congress and his wife taught at the Christian school connected to the church. This is the church and Christian school Brannon attended in elementary school as is a very conservative Bible teaching church. Pastor Steve shares his personal thoughts about the worldview and character of Mike Pence. Topic: If Pence is indeed picked as the VP candidate of Trump will this change the mind of evangelicals that are opposed to Trump? Topic: We take your calls on what you think about the rumor that Pence is the choice of Trump for VP. 

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