Brannon Howse: July 20, 2016

Politicians agitating from the top and street thugs agitating from below. Topic: In 1948 the Communist overthrew Czechoslovakia and in 1961 the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on UnAmerican Activities reported that the Communist tactics became the handbook for all Communist agitators world-wide. These topics included politicians agitating from the top with elected officials and agitating from below with the street thugs. Does that sound familiar? Topic: Brannon explains how close George H. Bush family politician friends and Republicans and Democrats have been working together for years to get around the Constitution and build a one-party system. Topic: Could a North American Union be the key to a parliamentary system that a group of Republicans and Democrats have been pushing for since the mid 1980s? Topic: How are so-called conservatives and globalists like George Soros working for a Con Con and why? 

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