Brannon Howse: July 22, 2015

Some authors, pastors, and speakers are so confused by the destruction of the harlot in Revelation 17:16 and the chapter break two versus later that they assume that Revelation 18 must now be describing a different city and thus a different harlot. While Revelation 17 does deal more with the religious aspect of Babylon and Revelation 18 deals with more of the economic aspects of Babylon, both chapters are discussing Babylon. There is not a spiritual Babylon in Rome in Revelation 17 and a commercial Babylon in literal Babylon in Revelation 18. All of Revelation 17 & 18 takes place in literal Babylon There are not two different Babylons. Yet, there are two harlots and today Brannon explains the two harlots in Revelation 17 & 18 with more details in the next program.

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