Brannon Howse: July 23, 2018
Topic: The Emergent Church and The Evangelical Church had a child through the Hegelian Dialectic Process and gave birth to the cultural marxist Gospel Coalition. Topic: Well known evangelicals and pastors who once opposed the emergent church philosophies and Rick Warren’s Church Growth Movement are now openly working with the Gospel Coalition, speaking with their members and having them speak at their churches and conferences. Brannon will prove the connection between the Gospel Coalition and its founder, Tim Keller, The Emergent Church, Peter Drucker, Rick Warren, and Bob Buford. Topic: The proof that Bob Buford started the Emergent Church as well as the Church Growth Movement also promoted by Drucker disciple, Rick Warren. Topic: The proof that Tim Keller was working directly with Bob Buford before he died and the transformational churches Buford wanted planted across the country. Topic: The proof that the key philosophies of the Emergent Church are embodied in The Gospel Coalition, including Cultural Marxism. Thus, pastors once opposed to the Emergent Church and Buford’s church growth movement have in fact been outsmarted by the synthesis of the Emergent Church with the Neo-Evangelicals/Neo-Calvinists to now find themselves promoting what it was they once opposed. Tragically this reveals that many well-known pastors are not as smart, discerning or worthy of trusting as many of us once thought. Sadly many of America's leading evangelicals have been played and have actually become “useful idiots” of the “Cultural Marxist Gospel Coalition” and their emergent church and church growth movement agenda they once opposed. Topic: We take your calls.