Brannon Howse: July 24, 2018

Topic: The Gospel Coalition is the Emergent Church repackaged. (Part 2) Brannon provides even more information today that makes it 100% irrefutable that the Gospel Coalition is the Emergent Church repackaged with a Neo-Calvinist wrapping. This neo-Calvinist wrapping has apparently been too difficult for the reported smartest, most discerning, and brightest pastors and evangelical experts in American evangelicalism to see through since they are apparently so obsessed with a brand of extreme Calvinism that makes them ready to eagerly embrace anything that seeks to further this ideology, even if what is below the wrapping is heretical. Sadly, many of the not-so-discerning, uninformed evangelical elite have been duped and have become the “useful idiots” for what they have claimed to once oppose. Topic: Hear the audio of Peter Drucker admitting that it was Bob Buford that came to him about building transformational churches based on communitarianism. Topic: Hear Peter Drucker explain his affection for Søren Kierkegaard. Why does this matter and what does it have to do with the Emergent Church, Nazi Germany, community salvation, and the growing false church in America? Topic: We take your calls.

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