Brannon Howse: July 28, 2016

Topic: The U.S. federal government releases pages from a 2004 report on 9-11 that have been sitting in a vault in the U.S. Capitol. The report reveals what many of us believed within hours of the 9-11 attacks. Folks within Saudi Arabia played a part in the attack on our nation and yet the Bush Administration wanted to go after Iraq. Why? According to a report on it was reported: Another suspicious link connects al-Bayoumi indirectly to the Saudi royal family through his wife, Manal Bajad. Princess Haifa al-Faisal, wife of Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the US and friend of George W. Bush, sent a series of checks totaling $75,000 to Osama Basnan, a Saudi national living in San Diego who was linked to the 9/11 hijackers. Topic: Brannon explains that both parties have members that are apparently connected to bad players all over the world and it all seems to go back to the old saying of "follow the money." 

Topic: A professor is upset that the word evangelical has been redefined. Wh? Because so-called evangelicals are involved in promoting a false gospel or false Christ or involved in ecumenical activities? No, He is upset because so-called evangelicals are going to vote for Donald Trump. Brannon wants to know why so many of these people see everything through the lens of the culture war and political lens and yet show little if any concern over doctrine and false teaching. Why was this man not concerned that the word evangelical was redefined years ago by major evangelical leaders embracing false teaching and false teachers? Why does he not report on that, but on politics? Topic: We take your calls. 

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