Brannon Howse: July 28, 2017

Guest: John Guandolo & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Former FBI Counter Terrorism Expert John Guandolo joins us to respond to the Islamic California professor calling for an intifada in America or a violent war. This week two Imams called for extermination of the Jewish people. John explains that the reason these Jihadis are speaking so openly is that they believe they are about to move from the lower house to the upper house. What does this mean for America and our national security? Topic: If enough Islamic leaders call for an intifada will muslims run to the mosques that are used as an armory? Topic: Recently Brannon had a deli sandwich made for him by a worker whose name tag read Jihad. Brannon asked him if that was his real name and he confirmed it was. This young man also had a sharia beard. Some evangelical wimps got upset that Brannon tweeted about this but John explains why Brannon is right to express his concerns and the national security implications for Americans as muslims that are jihadis are involved in such jobs as food preparation. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: As Palestinians return to the Temple Mount, conflict breaks out, and they say this is war for the control of the Temple Mount. Topic: Israelis say Prime Minister Netanyahu caved in on removal of security apparatus, this will increase Palestinian violence. Topic: Russia uses Temple Mount crisis to post there military within 5 miles of Israels northern border, in the Golan Heights.

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