Brannon Howse: July 3, 2018

Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Brannon starts out the program with a 4th of July monologue and encourages the listeners to watch the new WVW Hour TV program with Captain Udell Meyers, U.S. Marine and Vietnam Veteran that saw first hand the consequences of communism. Brannon and Udell discuss the reason Americans should be concerned about the Marxists and Muslim coalition that is growing in America. Topic: Dr. Woods answers these questions. Question: I have often heard that we do not see America in Bible prophecy. Question: Since the United States did not exist at the time the Bible was written, if it were mentioned, what do you think it would be referred to as? Question: What suggestions of Bible memory passages do you have for a teenager? I wish we had done more scripture memory, and am thinking of having it be a requirement to get her driver's license. Question: Could you explain Hebrews 13:2 about entertaining angels unaware? What would this look like today. Question: What is the meaning or definition of the word repent? Question: Should the rapture happen I've thought of leaving a Bible or letter for the blessed finder. What passages should I highlight and bookmark in case it is a non-believer that finds it? Question: What is the time line of that battle with the Gog and Magog War? Which war will come first and will they happen before the Millennial Kingdom? 

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