Brannon Howse: July 31, 2015

Is the Church of Rome evolving on same-sex marriage just in time to protect their assets from law suits through hate crimes laws or just in time for a generation that sees the church as old-fashion and intolerance? Could this be the reason behind the details are now emerging of a May 25, 2015 secret “shadow council” which gathered self-described theologians, led by the German bishops, at a Jesuit university in Rome. The Jesuits have been reported to the most homosexual order in the Church of Rome. Could this be the issue? The details from this secret meeting are not so secret now and reports claim that participants were discussing moral issues divided into three parts: sexuality as an expression of love and “a theology of love”; and on the gift of life and “a narrative theology” – theology based on personal experience. Brannon explains how the theology of love or narrative theology is very similar to the theology of hope as promoted in the 1960s by Jürgen Moltmann. This theology of hope sought to merge good and evil and promote personal experience over truth. This is exactly what this shadow council discussed as described by the Catholic News Agency in a July 29, 2015 article entitled: 'Shadow council' speaker pushes Church acceptance of contraception, gay sex. The CNA reported that the council is denying that any acts are intrinsically evil. The CAN concluded its report as follows: In the end, the proposal of the German bishops, and those who stand with them, is one of a human-centered theology: changing with the spirit of the times, and affirming all situations and choices which become widespread. Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: The Sanhedrin - a religious court in the Israeli judicial system - puts President Obama on trial. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem says they have a ranch and are in the process of producing a red heifer. Islamic State recruitment document seeks to provoke end of the world.

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