Brannon Howse: July 5, 2016

No Rules For the Elite! Topic: FBI Director James Comey lays out all the reasons Hillary Clinton should be charged with federal crimes, but then announces the FBI will not be doing so despite saying others would likely not be so lucky. Ironically, this announcement by the FBI Director came on July 5th, one day after Americans celebrated Independence Day. Brannon claims this further reveals that America is run by an organized cabal that has one set of rules for their own and another set for the lowly Americans. This also proves that America is not a free nation but is ruled by soft despotism that gives Americans the feeling of being free while being enslaved. Brannon explains soft despotism and how America's slide into soft despotism in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and a Federal Income Tax that gave the central government unlimited funds so they could run their banking industrial complex, educational industrial complex, military industrial complex, and pharmaceutical industrial complex by which to financially, educationally, and medically coerce and enslave the American people. Topic: We take your calls.

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