Brannon Howse: July 6, 2015

Topic: Over the Fourth of July Brannon noticed many liberals cheering liberty and it seemed as though they were implying that the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage was the liberty they were celebrating. Brannon explains that America has for many years celebrated the liberty of Libertas that is really a sexual liberty. In fact as Brannon describes, the National Park Service even admits that the robes of the Statue of Liberty are the robes of Libertas. If you want to understand how some are celebrating liberty and others fear tyranny then you need to understand the meaning of liberty according to unsaved people. Topic: Hear an audio clip of Megyn Kelly of Fox News and her liberal position on same-sex marriage. Yet, Kelly is listed as an invited speaker to the fall of 2015 Values Voters Summit. Perhaps the American Family Association and Family Research Council need to boycott their own conference. Does this not further reveal just how Biblically incompetent and confused most of the leaders of the pro-family industrial complex really are? Topic: Hear an audio of James Dobson that seems to reveal his lack of Biblical understanding of Romans 1. Topic: Hear an audio clip of Jesse Johnson giving his flock a Biblical understanding and response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Topic: We take your calls.

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